You should not speak of wisdom while treason is filling in your hearts.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: On the Day of Resurrection, you will receive the answer of every single bad word that you uttered in your life.- Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: Man is either healthy or ailed. Thank God for good health and compassionate the ailed.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: The most tolerant is the most abstinent (from the worldly pleasures.)- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: The most intolerant against misfortunes is certainly the fondest of the worldly pleasures.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Each one will harvest, in the life to come, only what he sowed and will be rewarded according to what he did.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
A servant cannot be fond of this world and desirous for the life to come in the same time.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Every good deed approximates to God, but the prayer is the closest and the most favorable for Him.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Permanent prayer is the best thing through which the honor of the world to come is attained and the worldly misfortunes are alleviated Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: The fondness of this world is the head of every evildoing.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: False praise and religious chastening are within the major well-known evils.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Never postpone repentance to tomorrow. Before tomorrow, there is a day and a night during which God’s act is coming and going- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Truly I say to you: You will not attain the honor of the world to come unless you abstain from whatever you desire.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
You should receive the wisdom from anybody with whom you find it, disregarding the scope of his desire for it.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
To find the best taste of faith and to benefit by its results, you should first have it as sincere and perfect as possible.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
The worldly-minded ones cannot find the good taste of worship because they are controlled by fondness of (collecting) property.- Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
O bad scholars, From this moment, you should supply for yourselves and be ready. Take the initiative to repent to your Lord.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
O bad scholars, From this moment, you should mourn yourselves. From this time, you should weep for your evildoings.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
How can a servant have the affection of his Lord in perfect without lending Him some of His sustenance?- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
How can a traveler arrive in a place without guide? How can anyone win Paradise before he understands the features of his religion?- Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
How arethe clothes be cleaned when theirowners do not wash them?How can sins be acquitted whentheir committers donot atone for them? Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
Hurry up to light up your hard hearts with wisdom before they are overwhelmed by sins, and then they will be harder than rocks.- Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
It is useless for you to have the illumination of knowledge on your tongues while your interiors are gloomy and dead.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
The apology of those who lie ignorantly is more justifiable that those who lie attentively. Anyhow,no liar is ever justified.- Jesus(PBUH)
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)
You confess that God hears and sees but, in the meantime, you do not care for His recording your deeds for judgment!- Jesus
Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)