Death is expiration [and loss of opportunity]
الْمَوْتُ فَوْتٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is the cause of loss
سَبَبُ الْفَوْتِ الْمَوْتُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The end of death is loss
غَايَةُ الْمَوْتِ الْفَوْتُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who dies, passes away
مَنْ مَاتَ فَاتَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is the gate of the Hereafter
الْمَوْتُ بَابُ الْآخِرَةِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is the first justice of the Hereafter
الْمَوْتُ أَوَّلُ عَدْلِ الْآخِرَةِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is separation from the transient abode and a journey to the everlasting abode
الْمَوْتُ مُفَارَقَةُ دَارِ الْفَنَاءِ وَارْتِحَالٌ إِلَى دَارِ النَّقَاءِ [الْبَقَاءِ]
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily the one who approaches, bringing with him [either everlasting] felicity or wretchedness, is deserving of the best preparation
إِنَّ قَادِماً يَقْدَمُ [عَلَيْكَ] بِالْفَوْزِ أَوِ الشَّقْوَةِ لَمُسْتَحِقٌّ لِأَفْضَلِ الْعُدَّةِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily death has agonies that are more terrible than can ever be described or comprehended by the intellects of the people of this world
إِنَّ لِلْمَوْتِ لَغَمَرَاتٍ هِيَ أَفْظَعُ مِنْ أَنْ تُسْتَغْرَقَ بِصِفَةٍ أَوْ تَعْتَدِلَ عَلَى عُقُولِ أَهْلِ الدُّنْيَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily death is a visitor who is not loved, a killer who is not held accountable and an invincible adversary
إِنَّ الْمَوْتَ لَزَائِرٌ غَيْرُ مَحْبُوبٍ وَوَاتِرٌ غَيْرُ مَطْلُوبٍ وَقِرْنٌ غَيْرُ مَغْلُوبٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
This world ends with annihilation
بِالْفَنَاءِ تُخْتَمُ الدُّنْيَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Matters are subservient to destiny until death (or injustice) enters the plan
تَذِلُّ الْأُمُورُ لِلْمَقَادِيرِ حَتَّى يَكُونَ الْحَتْفُ فِي التَّدْبِيرِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death strikes down
الْأَجَلُ يَصْرَعُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The branches will surely return to their roots, and the effects to their causes, and the particulars to their universals
لَتَرْجِعَنَّ الْفُرُوعُ عَلَى أُصُولِهَا وَالْمَعْلُولَاتُ إِلَى عِلَلِهَا وَالْجُزْئِيَّاتُ إِلَى كُلِّيَّاتِهَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death comes to every living thing
الْمَوْتُ يَأْتِي عَلَى كُلِّ حَيٍّ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily one who walks on the face of the earth will surely end up inside it
إِنَّ مَنْ مَشَى عَلَى ظَهْرِ الْأَرْضِ لَصَائِرٌ إِلَى بَطْنِهَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The end of [this] life is death
غَايَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الْمَوْتُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
In every soul there is death
فِي كُلِّ نَفْسٍ مَوْتٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every seeker is [himself] sought [by death]
كُلُّ طَالِبٍ مَطْلُوبٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every seeker other than Allah is sought
كُلُّ طَالِبٍ غَيْرُ اللَّهِ مَطْلُوبٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every person will meet his death
كُلُّ امْرِئٍ لَاقٍ حِمَامَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every person is seeking his aspirations while [concurrently] being sought by his death
كُلُّ امْرِئٍ طَالِبُ أُمْنِيَّتِهِ وَمَطْلُوبُ مَنِيَّتِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How can one who is sought by death remain safe?
كَيْفَ يَسْلَمُ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ طَالِبُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For every [being with a] soul there is death
لِكُلِّ نَفْسٍ حِمَامٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For everything there is a passing away
لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ فَوْتٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For every living thing there is death
لِكُلِّ حَيٍّ مَوْتٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For every person there is a day that he shall not go beyond
لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ يَوْمٌ لَا يَعْدُوهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For all [beings with] souls there is death
لِلنُّفُوسِ حِمَامٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who lives, dies
مَنْ عَاشَ مَاتَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death does not desist from extermination [and will annihilate all]
لَا تَرْعَوِي الْمَنِيَّةُ اخْتِرَاماً
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The appointed time of death is a shield
الْأَجَلُ جُنَّةٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The appointed time of death is an impenetrable fortress
الْأَجَلُ حِصْنٌ حَصِينٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The appointed time of death is [already] determined and sustenance is [already] apportioned, so let not any of you grieve its reduction; for verily greed does not expedite it and self-restraint does not delay it, and it behoves a believer to be patient
الْأَجَلُ مَحْتُومٌ وَالرِّزْقُ مَقْسُومٌ فَلَا يَغُمَّنَّ أَحَدَكُمْ إِبْطَاؤُهُ فَإِنَّ الْحِرْصَ لَا يُقَدِّمُهُ وَالْعَفَافَ لَا يُؤَخِّرُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُ بِالتَّحَمُّلِ خَلِيقٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The truest thing is death
أَصْدَقُ شَيْءٍ الْأَجَلُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily this matter has not started with you nor will it end with you, for this companion of yours travels, so consider him to have gone on one of his travels, and if he comes back to you [then so be it], otherwise you are [all] going towards him [and will meet him]
إِنَّ هَذَا الْأَمْرَ لَيْسَ بِكُمْ بَدَأَ وَلَا إِلَيْكُمُ انْتَهَى وَقَدْ كَانَ صَاحِبُكُمْ هَذَا يُسَافِرُ فَعُدُّوهُ فِي بَعْضِ سَفَرَاتِهِ فَإِنْ قَدِمَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَإِلَّا قَدِمْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily with every person there are two angels who protect him, and when his time is up they leave him alone with his impending death, and verily the [decreed] lifetime [of a person] is a strong protective shield
إِنَّ مَعَ كُلِّ إِنْسَانٍ مَلَكَيْنِ يَحْفَظَانِهِ فَإِذَا جَاءَ أَجَلُهُ خَلَّيَا بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَهُ وَإِنَّ الْأَجَلَ لَجُنَّةٌ حَصِينَةٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily our statement: “Indeed we belong to Allah” is an affirmation we make to ourselves that we are owned and our statement: “Indeed we will return to Him” is an affirmation to ourselves that we will die
سَمِعَ ع رَجُلًا يَقُولُ إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ راجِعُونَ فَقَالَ ع إِنَّ قَوْلَنَا إِنَّا لِلَّهِ إِقْرَارٌ عَلَى أَنْفُسِنَا بِالْمِلْكِ وَقَوْلَنَا إِنَّا إِلَيْهِ راجِعُونَ إِقْرَارٌ عَلَى أَنْفُسِنَا بِالْهَلْكِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
You are the harvests of the appointed terms and the targets of death
إِنَّكُمْ حَصَائِدُ الْآجَالِ وَأَغْرَاضُ الْحِمَامِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The appointed time of death is sufficient as a guard
كَفَى بِالْأَجَلِ حَارِساً
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
At every moment there is death
فِي كُلِّ لَحْظَةٍ أَجَلٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is a prescribed duration for every term [of life]
لِكُلِّ أَجَلٍ كِتابٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For everyone there is a driver who drives him towards his death
لِكُلِّ أَحَدٍ سَائِقٌ مِنْ أَجَلِهِ يَحْدُوهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The passing of time draws one towards death
مِنَ الْآجَالِ انْقِضَاءُ السَّاعَاتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
No shield is more protective than the appointed time of death
لَا جُنَّةَ أَوْقَى مِنَ الْأَجَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Continuously remember death and remember what you will face after death; and never wish for death except after being sure that you have fulfilled the condition for security [in the Hereafter]
أَدِمْ ذِكْرَ الْمَوْتِ وَذِكْرَ مَا تَقَدَّمَ عَلَيْهِ بَعْدَ الْمَوْتِ وَلَا تَتَمَنَّ الْمَوْتَ إِلَّا بِشَرْطٍ وَثِيقٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Increase your remembrance of death and of the place you have to go suddenly and return to after death, until it comes to you while you are on your guard against it and have prepared yourself for it, and let it not come over you suddenly thereby taking you by surprise
أَكْثِرْ ذِكْرَ الْمَوْتِ [اذْكُرِ الْمَوْتَ] وَمَا تَهْجُمُ عَلَيْهِ وَتُفْضِي إِلَيْهِ بَعْدَ الْمَوْتِ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَكَ وَقَدْ أَخَذْتَ لَهُ حِذْرَكَ وَشَدَدْتَ لَهُ أَزْرَكَ وَلَا يَأْتِيكَ بَغْتَةً فَيَبْهَرَكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Remembrance of death makes the means [and comforts] of this world seem trivial
ذِكْرُ الْمَوْتِ يُهَوِّنُ أَسْبَابَ الدُّنْيَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who frequently remembers death is saved from the deceptions of this world
مَنْ أَكْثَرَ مِنْ ذِكْرِ الْمَوْتِ نَجَا مِنْ خِدَاعِ الدُّنْيَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Whoever frequently remembers death is satisfied with the little he possesses of this world
مَنْ ذَكَرَ الْمَوْتَ رَضِيَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا بِالْيَسِيرِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Remember the destroyer of pleasures and the spoiler of lustful desires and the caller towards separation
اذْكُرُوا هَادِمَ اللَّذَّاتِ وَمُنَغِّصَ الشَّهَوَاتِ وَدَاعِيَ الشَّتَاتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Is there no one who will wake from his slumber before the time of his death?!
أَلَا مُنْتَبِهٌ مِنْ رَقْدَتِهِ قَبْلَ حِينِ مَنِيَّتِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The most effective admonition is looking at the places where the dead lay, and taking a lesson from the outcome of one’s forefathers and foremothers
أَبْلَغُ الْعِظَاتِ النَّظَرُ إِلَى مَصَارِعِ الْأَمْوَاتِ وَالِاعْتِبَارُ بِمَصَايِرِ الْآبَاءِ وَالْأُمَّهَاتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily behind you is a swift seeker in the form of death, so do not be negligent
إِنَّ وَرَاءَكَ طَالِباً حَثِيثاً مِنَ الْمَوْتِ فَلَا تَغْفُلْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When the bringer of the news of death comes frequently to you, he will [soon also] announce your death to others
إِذَا كَثُرَ النَّاعِي إِلَيْكَ قَامَ النَّاعِي بِكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Blessed is one who anticipates his death and makes his actions sincere
طُوبَى لِمَنْ بَادَرَ أَجَلَهُ وَأَخْلَصَ عَمَلَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
I am amazed at the one who forgets death while he sees others dying [around him]
عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ نَسِيَ الْمَوْتَ وَهُوَ يَرَى مَنْ يَمُوتُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
I am amazed at the one who is negligent, while death is swift in seeking him
عَجِبْتُ لِغَافِلٍ وَالْمَوْتُ حَثِيثٌ فِي طَلَبِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Your hearts have forgotten the reality of death and you have been overcome by deception of [false] hope
قَدْ ذَهَبَ عَنْ قُلُوبِكُمْ صِدْقُ الْأَجَلِ وَغَلَبَكُمْ غُرُورُ الْأَمَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The remembrance of [the times of] death has disappeared from your hearts and has been replaced by false hopes and aspirations
قَدْ غَابَ عَنْ قُلُوبِكُمْ ذِكْرُ الْآجَالِ وَحَضَرَتْكُمْ كَوَاذِبُ الْآمَالِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How can you forget death while its signs are [constantly] reminding you [of it]?
كَيْفَ تَنْسَى الْمَوْتَ وَآثَارُهُ تُذَكِّرُكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
If you were to think about the closeness of death and its [imminent] arrival, the sweetness of life and its comfort would become bitter for you
لَوْ فَكَّرْتُمْ فِي قُرْبِ الْأَجَلِ وَحُضُورِهِ لَأَمَرَّ عِنْدَكُمْ حُلْوُ الْعَيْشِ وَسُرُورُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
If you were to see death and its approach, you would surely hate [false] aspiration and its deception
لَوْ رَأَيْتُمُ الْأَجَلَ وَمَسِيرَهُ لَأَبْغَضْتُمُ الْأَمَلَ وَغُرُورَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Whoever is mindful of his [eventual] death reduces his aspirations
مَنْ رَاقَبَ أَجَلَهُ قَصَّرَ أَمَلَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The one who takes death into consideration values his time
مَنْ رَاقَبَ أَجَلَهُ اغْتَنَمَ مَهَلَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Whoever regards his remaining lifetime to be fleeting, his hopes and aspirations become short
مَنِ اسْتَقْصَرَ بَقَاءَهُ وَأَجَلَهُ قَصُرَ رَجَاؤُهُ وَأَمَلُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Prepare yourselves for death for indeed it overshadows you
اسْتَعِدُّوا لِلْمَوْتِ فَقَدْ أَطَلَّكُمْ [أَظَلَّكُمْ]
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Let your ears hear the call of death before it calls you
أَسْمِعُوا دَعْوَةَ الْمَوْتِ آذَانَكُمْ قَبْلَ أَنْ يُدْعَى بِكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Beware of death and be adequately prepared for it, [for by this] you will be happy in your place of [final] return
احْذَرِ الْمَوْتَ وَأَحْسِنْ لَهُ الِاسْتِعْدَادَ تَسْعَدْ بِمُنْقَلَبِكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Be careful that death does not descend upon you while you are a fugitive [who has run away] from Allah in your seeking [the pleasures of] this world
إِيَّاكَ أَنْ يَنْزِلَ بِكَ الْمَوْتُ وَأَنْتَ آبِقٌ عَنْ رَبِّكَ فِي طَلَبِ الدُّنْيَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily it behoves you to prepare for the matter about the timing of whose sudden occurrence you have no knowledge of before it overcomes you
إِنَّ أَمْراً لَا تَعْلَمُ مَتَى يَفْجَؤُكَ يَنْبَغِي أَنْ تَسْتَعِدَّ لَهُ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَغْشَاكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily you have an ultimate destination so move towards your destination, and you have a guide so move towards it with [the help of] your guide
إِنَّ لَكُمْ نِهَايَةً فَانْتَهُوا إِلَى نِهَايَتِكُمْ وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ عَلَماً فَانْتَهُوا بِعَلَمِكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily when a man dies people say: ‘What has he left behind?’ while the angels say: ‘What has he sent forward?’ Your forefathers are for Allah! Send some of your wealth forward, so that it may be a provision for you [in the Hereafter], and do not leave all of it behind such that it becomes a [heavy] burden on you
إِنَّ الْمَرْءَ إِذَا هَلَكَ قَالَ النَّاسُ مَا تَرَكَ وَقَالَتِ الْمَلَائِكَةُ مَا قَدَّمَ لِلَّهِ آبَاؤُكُمْ فَقَدِّمُوا بَعْضاً يَكُنْ لَكُمْ ذُخْراً وَلَا تُخَلِّفُوا كُلًّا فَيَكُونَ عَلَيْكُمْ كَلًّا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When one cannot remain secure from the onslaught of death, then not being prepared for it is incompetence
إِذَا كَانَ هُجُومُ الْمَوْتِ لَا يُؤْمَنُ فَمِنَ الْعَجْزِ تَرْكُ التَّأَهُّبِ لَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The one who does not prepare for death and take benefit of respite is negligent of the onslaught of death
تَارِكُ التَّأَهُّبِ لِلْمَوْتِ وَاغْتِنَامِ الْمَهَلِ غَافِلٌ عَنْ هُجُومِ الْأَجَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Begin your journey for you have been pushed forward and prepare for death for it has overshadowed you
تَرَحَّلُوا فَقَدْ جَدَّ بِكُمْ وَاسْتَعِدُّوا لِلْمَوْتِ فَقَدْ أَظَلَّكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Anticipate death and do good deeds; [by this] you will attain felicity through your [hastening to good deeds while you have] respite
سَابِقُوا الْأَجَلَ وَأَحْسِنُوا الْعَمَلَ تَسْعَدُوا بِالْمَهَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
I am amazed at the person who sees his body and his lifespan decreasing every day and still does not make preparations for death
عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ يَرَى أَنَّهُ يَنْقُصُ كُلُّ يَوْمٍ فِي نَفْسِهِ وَعُمُرِهِ وَهُوَ لَا يَتَأَهَّبُ لِلْمَوْتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
I am amazed at the one who fears the ambush [of death] and still does not desist
عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ خَافَ الْبَيَاتَ فَلَمْ يَكُفَّ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The absent death is more deserving of being awaited and is closer in its approach [than any other traveller whose return is expected]
غَائِبُ الْمَوْتِ أَحَقُّ مُنْتَظَرٍ وَأَقْرَبُ قَادِمٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
[In the Hereafter] the souls are held at ransom by the weight of their sins and have become certain of their unseen fatesNeither can good acts be added [to their record] nor are they given warning about their evil deeds [rather, the harsh punishment of hell awaits them]
فَالْأَرْوَاحُ مُرْتَهَنَةٌ بِثِقْلِ أَعْبَائِهَا [بثقيل أعيابها] مُوقِنَةٌ بِغَيْبِ أَنْبَائِهَا لَا تُسْتَزَادُ مِنْ صَالِحِ عَمَلِهَا وَلَا تُسْتَعْتَبُ [لَا تَعْتَبُ] مِنْ سَيِّئِ زَلَلِهَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
May Allah have mercy upon the person who anticipates death and performs good deeds for the abode of his [permanent] residence and the place of his dignity
رَحِمَ اللَّهُ امْرَأً بَادَرَ الْأَجَلَ وَأَكْذَبَ الْأَمَلَ وَأَخْلَصَ الْعَمَلَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death clings to you more closely than your own shadows and has greater authority over you than [you have over] yourselves
الْمَوْتُ أَلْزَمُ لَكُمْ مِنْ ظِلِّكُمْ وَأَمْلَكُ بِكُمْ [لَكُمْ] مِنْ أَنْفُسِكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
More severe than death is that which one seeks to be freed from through death
أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ مَا يُتَمَنَّى الْخَلَاصُ مِنْهُ بِالْمَوْتِ [أَفْضَلُ تُحْفَةِ الْمَوْتِ أَشَدُّ مَا يُتَمَنَّى الْخَلَاصُ مِنْهُ بِالْمَوْتِ]
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily this death is a swift seeker neither does the steadfast escape it nor does the fleer frustrate it
إِنَّ هَذَا الْمَوْتَ لَطَالِبٌ حَثِيثٌ لَا يَفُوتُهُ الْمُقِيمُ وَلَا يُعْجِزُهُ مَنْ هَرَبَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily there is a shield over me, in the form of my appointed time of death, which protects me; so when my day comes, it relieves itself of me and surrenders me [to death]At this time the arrow will not miss its target and the wound will not heal
إِنَّ عَلَيَّ مِنْ أَجَلِي جُنَّةً حَصِينَةً فَإِذَا جَاءَ يَوْمِي انْفَرَجَتْ عَنِّي وَأَسْلَمَتْنِي فَحِينَئِذٍ لَا يَطِيشُ السَّهْمُ وَلَا يَبْرَأُ الْكَلْمُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily you are on the run from the death whose fleer is not saved and must eventually meet it
إِنَّكَ طَرِيدُ الْمَوْتِ الَّذِي لَا يَنْجُو هَارِبُهُ وَلَا بُدَّ أَنَّهُ مُدْرِكُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily you are all running away from the death which will take you if you remain steadfast [to resist it] and will catch up with you if you [try to] flee
إِنَّكُمْ طُرَدَاءُ الْمَوْتِ الَّذِي إِنْ أَقَمْتُمْ أَخَذَكُمْ وَإِنْ فَرَرْتُمْ مِنْهُ أَدْرَكَكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
For every appointed time there is an arrival
لِكُلِّ أَجَلٍ حُضُورٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is no protector for one who is sought by Allah [for punishment]
لَيْسَ لِمَنْ طَلَبَهُ اللَّهُ مُجِيرٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
If death could be bought, the affluent would have surely bought it
لَوْ أَنَّ الْمَوْتَ يُشْتَرَى لَاشْتَرَاهُ الْأَغْنِيَاءُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One whose death draws near to him cannot be saved [from it] by his efforts
مَنْ دَنَا مِنْهُ أَجَلُهُ لَمْ تُعِنْهُ [لم تعننه] حِيَلُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Whoever has [the angel of] death given charge over him, is overrun and annihilated by it
مَنْ وُكِّلَ بِهِ الْمَوْتُ اجْتَاحَهُ وَأَفْنَاهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who is sought by death cannot be saved from it
مَا يَنْجُو مِنَ الْمَوْتِ مَنْ طَلَبَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Can the near ones repel [death] from you, or can the wailing [of the women and children] be of any benefit to you?
هَلْ يَدْفَعُ عَنْكُمُ الْأَقَارِبُ أَوْ تَنْفَعُكُمُ النَّوَاحِبُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Do not persist in that which is followed by sin
هَلْ مِنْ خَلَاصٍ أَوْ مَنَاصٍ أَوْ مَلَاذٍ أَوْ مَعَاذٍ أَوْ فِرَارٍ أَوْ مَحَارٍ [أَوْ مَجَارٍ]
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Far be it for death to lose the one whom it seeks or for the one who flees it to get saved [from it]
هَيْهَاتَ أَنْ يَفُوتَ الْمَوْتُ مَنْ طَلَبَ أَوْ يَنْجُوَ مِنْهُ مَنْ هَرَبَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Do not be deceived by [a false sense of] security, for you will surely be taken from your sanctuary
لَا تَغْتَرَّنَّ بِالْأَمْنِ فَإِنَّكَ مَأْخُوذٌ مِنْ مَأْمَنِكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is no blame on the one who flees from his death
لَا لَوْمَ لِهَارِبٍ مِنْ حَتْفِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is a heedless watchman (or friend)
الْمَوْتُ رَقِيبٌ غَافِلٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death cuts hopes short
الْآجَالُ تَقْطَعُ الْآمَالَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Hopes bring death closer
الْآمَالُ تُدْنِي الْآجَالَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death exposes hope
الْأَجَلُ يَفْضَحُ الْأَمَلَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is the reaper of hope
الْأَجَلُ حَصَادُ الْأَمَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Deaths cut off hopes
الْمَنَايَا تَقْطَعُ الْآمَالَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When death comes, hopes are exposed
إِذَا حَضَرَتِ الْآجَالُ افْتَضَحَتِ الْآمَالُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When you reach the end of your hopes, then remember the suddenness of death
إِذَا بَلَغْتُمْ نِهَايَةَ الْآمَالِ فَاذْكُرُوا بَغَتَاتِ الْآجَالِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When death arrives, hopes are exposed
إِذَا حَضَرَتِ الْمَنِيَّةُ افْتَضَحَتِ الْأُمْنِيَّةُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Sometimes death is [hidden] beneath an aspiration
رُبَّ أَجَلٍ تَحْتَ أَمَلٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The reality of death exposes the lie of [false] aspiration
صِدْقُ الْأَجَلِ يُفْصِحُ كَذِبَ الْأَمَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
It is when [the time of] death comes that the failure of [one’s] aspirations become apparent
عِنْدَ حُضُورِ الْآجَالِ تَظْهَرُ خَيْبَةُ الْآمَالِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When death strikes, hopes and aspirations are exposed
عِنْدَ هُجُومِ الْآجَالِ تَفْتَضِحُ الْأَمَانِيُّ وَالْآمَالُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
I wonder at the one who has no control over his death, how can he lengthen his hopes?
عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ لَا يَمْلِكُ أَجَلَهُ كَيْفَ يُطِيلُ أَمَلَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The end of hope is death
غَايَةُ الْأَمَلِ الْأَجَلُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Reduce your hopes, fear the suddenness of death and hasten towards performing good deeds
قَصِّرُوا الْأَمَلَ وَخَافُوا بَغْتَةَ الْأَجَلِ وَبَادِرُوا صَالِحَ الْعَمَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The arrival of death cuts off action and exposes [false] hopes
وَافِدُ الْمَوْتِ يَقْطَعُ الْعَمَلَ وَيَفْضَحُ الْأَمَلَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The arrival of death expunges respite, brings the appointed time closer and dashes [one’s] hope
وَافِدُ الْمَوْتِ يُبِيدُ الْمَهَلَ وَيُدْنِي الْأَجَلَ وَيُقْعِدُ الْأَمَلَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The matter is near
الْأَمْرُ قَرِيبٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The nearest thing is death
أَقْرَبُ شَيْءٍ الْأَجَلُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who sees death with the eyes of his certitude, sees it nearby
مَنْ رَأَى الْمَوْتَ بِعَيْنِ يَقِينِهِ رَآهُ قَرِيباً
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How close is life to death!
مَا أَقْرَبَ الْحَيَاةَ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is none whose arrival is nearer than death
لَا قَادِمَ أَقْرَبُ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is no absent one that approaches quicker than death
لَا غَائِبَ أَقْدَمُ مِنَ الْمَوْتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Indeed the absent one who is driven forward by the [succession of the] new night and day, is indeed worthy of a quick return
إِنَّ غَائِباً يَحْدُوهُ الْجَدِيدَانِ اللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارُ لَحَرِيٌّ بِسُرْعَةِ الْأَوْبَةِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily tomorrow is close to todayThis day will pass with what is in it and tomorrow will come [soon] following it
إِنَّ غَداً مِنَ الْيَوْمِ قَرِيبٌ يَذْهَبُ الْيَوْمُ بِمَا فِيهِ وَيَأْتِي الْغَدُ لَاحِقاً بِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily death has been tied to your forelocks whilst this world coils behind you
إِنَّ الْمَوْتَ لَمَعْقُودٌ بِنَوَاصِيكُمْ وَالدُّنْيَا تُطْوَى مِنْ خَلْفِكُمْ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
When you are moving away [from this world] and death is moving towards you, then how quickly you will meet each other!
إِذَا كُنْتَ فِي إِدْبَارٍ وَالْمَوْتُ فِي إِقْبَالٍ فَمَا أَسْرَعَ الْمُلْتَقَى
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Sometimes the choker (or drinker) is choked by water [and dies] before quenching his thirst
رُبَّمَا شَرِقَ شَارِقٌ بِالْمَاءِ قَبْلَ رِيِّهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Slowly! Darkness is disappearing; as though those who had departed have arrived [at their final destination] and those who hasten will soon join
رُوَيْداً يُسْفِرُ الظَّلَامُ كَأَنْ قَدْ وَرَدَتِ الْأَظْعَانُ يُوشِكُ مَنْ أَسْرَعَ أَنْ يَلْحَقَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death may [at times] be hastened
قَدْ تُعَاجِلُ الْمَنِيَّةُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every expected thing [eventually] arrives
كُلُّ مُتَوَقَّعٍ آتٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every future [event] is near
كُلُّ آتٍ قَرِيبٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Every near one is close by
كُلُّ قَرِيبٍ دَانٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How near is the living one to the dead because he will soon join him!
مَا أَقْرَبَ الْحَيَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ لِلَحَاقِهِ بِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How far is the dead one from the living by his separation from him!
مَا أَبْعَدَ الْمَيِّتَ مِنَ الْحَيِّ لِانْقِطَاعِهِ عَنْهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
He who counts tomorrow [to be] from his lifetime has not given death its rightful place
مَا أَنْزَلَ الْمَوْتَ مَنْزِلَهُ مَنْ عَدَّ غَداً مِنْ أَجَلِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How is it possible for one to live forever, when there will come a day which he will not pass and a seeker who will quickly bring him to his death, urging him forwards?
مَا عَسَى [من عسى] أَنْ يَكُونَ بَقَاءُ مَنْ لَهُ يَوْمٌ لَا يَعْدُوهُ وَطَالِبٌ حَثِيثٌ مِنْ أَجَلِهِ يَحْدُوهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Each breath of a person is a step closer to his death
نَفَسُ الْمَرْءِ خُطَاهُ إِلَى أَجَلِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Death is soothing
الْمَوْتُ مُرِيحٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Sleep is a relief from pain and its counterpart is death
النَّوْمُ رَاحَةٌ مِنْ أَلَمٍ وَمُلَائِمُهُ الْمَوْتُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The best gift for a believer is death
أَفْضَلُ تُحْفَةِ الْمُؤْمِنِ الْمَوْتُ [أَفْضَلُ تُحْفَةِ الْمَوْتِ أَشَدُّ مَا يُتَمَنَّى الْخَلَاصُ مِنْهُ بِالْمَوْتِ]
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily the friends of Allah, the Most High, include all those who consider their death to be near, belie their [false] hopes, and have many good deeds and only a few mistakes
إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاءَ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى كُلُّ مُسْتَقْرِبٍ أَجَلَهُ مُكَذِّبٍ أَمَلَهُ كَثِيرٍ عَمَلُهُ قَلِيلٍ زَلَلُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily death is a relief for the one who was a slave to his lust and a prisoner of his vain desire, because the more his life lengthened the more his sins would increase and his offenses against his soul would become worse
إِنَّ فِي الْمَوْتِ لَرَاحَةً لِمَنْ كَانَ عَبْدَ شَهْوَتِهِ وَأَسِيرَ أَهْوِيَتِهِ لِأَنَّهُ كُلَّمَا طَالَتْ حَيَاتُهُ كَثُرَتْ سَيِّئَاتُهُ وَعَظُمَتْ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ جِنَايَاتُهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who reaches the end of his hopes should expect the arrival of his death
مَنْ بَلَغَ غَايَةَ أَمَلِهِ فَلْيَتَوَقَّعْ حُلُولَ أَجَلِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
In death there is comfort for the felicitous
فِي الْمَوْتِ رَاحَةُ السُّعَدَاءِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
In death there is [either] delight or regret
فِي الْمَوْتِ غِبْطَةٌ أَوْ نَدَامَةٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
What an excellent cure death is!
نِعْمَ الدَّوَاءُ الْأَجَلُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
How excellent a son-in-law the grave is!
نِعْمَ الصِّهْرُ الْقَبْرُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
There is no soother like death
لَا مُرِيحَ كَالْمَوْتِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Nothing is truer than death
لَا شَيْءَ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ الْأَجَلِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech