The intellect frees [one] from evil and enjoins [one to do] good
الْعَقْلُ مُنَزِّهٌ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ آمِرٌ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Enjoining good and forbidding evil are the best actions of the creation
الْأَمْرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ أَفْضَلُ أَعْمَالِ الْخَلْقِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The one who is pleased with the action of a group is like one who participates in it with them, and for everyone who participates in falsehood there are two sins: the sin of being pleased with it and the sin of acting upon it
الرَّاضِي بِفِعْلِ قَوْمٍ كَالدَّاخِلِ فِيهِ مَعَهُمْ وَلِكُلِّ دَاخِلٍ فِي بَاطِلٍ إِثْمَانِ إِثْمُ الرِّضَا بِهِ وَإِثْمُ الْعَمَلِ بِهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The sword rents asunder and the religion joins together; for religion commands good and the sword forbids evilAllah, the Exalted, says: Indeed in retaliation there is life for you
السَّيْفُ فَاتِقٌ وَالدِّينُ رَاتِقٌ فَالدِّينُ [الدِّينُ] يَأْمُرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالسَّيْفُ يَنْهَى عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ قَالَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصاصِ حَياةٌ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Enjoin good and you will be among the virtuousForbid evil with your hand and tongue, and make an effort to disassociate yourself from the one who commits it
اومُرْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ تَكُنْ مِنْ أَهْلِهِ وَأَنْكِرِ الْمُنْكَرَ بِيَدِكَ وَلِسَانِكَ وَبَايِنْ مَنْ فَعَلَهُ بِجُهْدِكَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Submit yourselves to good and enjoin it; keep away from evil and forbid it
ائْتَمَرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَأْمُرُوا بِهِ وَتَنَاهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَانْهَوْا عَنْهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Verily enjoining good and forbidding evil neither brings death near nor decreases sustenance, rather it multiplies reward and magnifies recompense; and a just word in the presence of an oppressive ruler is [even] better than this
إِنَّ الْأَمْرَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالنَّهْيَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ لَا يُقَرِّبَانِ مِنْ أَجَلٍ وَلَا يَنْقُصَانِ مِنْ رِزْقٍ لَكِنْ يُضَاعِفَانِ الثَّوَابَ وَيُعْظِمَانِ الْأَجْرَ وَأَفْضَلُ مِنْهُمَا كَلِمَةُ عَدْلٍ عِنْدَ إِمَامٍ جَائِرٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The height of religion is enjoining good, forbidding evil and upholding the boundaries [of Islamic law]
غَايَةُ الدِّينِ الْأَمْرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالنَّهْيُ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَإِقَامَةُ الْحُدُودِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
The basis of religious law is enjoining good, forbidding evil and upholding the boundaries [of Islamic law]
قِوَامُ الشَّرِيعَةِ الْأَمْرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَالنَّهْيُ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَإِقَامَةُ الْحُدُودِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Be one who acts with goodness, forbids evil and shuns the trait of treachery
كُنْ عَامِلًا بِالْخَيْرِ نَاهِياً عَنِ الشَّرِّ مُنْكِراً شِيمَةَ الْغَدْرِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Be one who invites towards good, dissuades from evil, builds ties with those who cut him off and gives to those who deprive him
كُنْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ آمِراً وَعَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ نَاهِياً وَلِمَنْ قَطَعَكَ وَاصِلًا وَلِمَنْ حَرَمَكَ مُعْطِياً
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Be one who invites towards good, dissuades from evil, acts with virtue and prevents vice
كُنْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ آمِراً وَعَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ نَاهِياً وَبِالْخَيْرِ عَامِلًا وَلِلشَّرِّ مَانِعاً
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who enjoins good strengthens the backs of the believers
مَنْ أَمَرَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ شَدَّ ظُهُورَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who forbids evil rubs the noses of the evildoers to the ground
مَنْ نَهَى عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ أَرْغَمَ أُنُوفَ الْفَاسِقِينَ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
One who has three [qualities] will have saved his life in this world and the Hereafter: he commands good and himself follows it, forbids evil and himself keeps away from it, and is careful in following the commandments of Allah, the Mighty and High
مَنْ كَانَ فِيهِ ثَلَاثٌ سَلِمَتْ لَهُ الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةُ يَأْمُرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَأْتَمِرُ بِهِ وَيَنْهَى عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيَنْتَهِي عَنْهُ وَيُحَافِظُ عَلَى حُدُودِ اللَّهِ جَلَّ وَعَلَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Performing good deeds and spreading goodness are from the greatest virtues
مِنْ أَفْضَلِ الْفَضَائِلِ اصْطِنَاعُ الصَّنَائِعِ وَبَثُّ الْمَعْرُوفِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
You will never be guided to good until you stray from evil
لَنْ تَهْتَدِيَ إِلَى الْمَعْرُوفِ حَتَّى تَضِلَّ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Whoever observes excesses being committed and people being called towards evil, and disapproves of it with his heart, is safe and free [from responsibility for it], and whoever disapproves of it with his tongue will be rewarded for it, and he is in a higher position than the formerBut whoever disapproves of it with his sword in order that the proof of Allah may remain superior and the word of the oppressors may remain inferior, has found the path of guidance and stands on the right way while his heart is illuminated with conviction
إِنَّ مَنْ رَأَى عُدْوَاناً يُعْمَلُ بِهِ وَمُنْكَراً يُدْعَى إِلَيْهِ فَأَنْكَرَهُ بِقَلْبِهِ فَقَدْ سَلِمَ وَبَرِئَ وَمَنْ أَنْكَرَهُ بِلِسَانِهِ فَقَدْ أُجِرَ وَهُوَ أَفْضَلُ مِنْ صَاحِبِهِ وَمَنْ أَنْكَرَهُ بِسَيْفِهِ لِتَكُونَ حُجَّةُ اللَّهِ الْعُلْيَا وَكَلِمَةُ الظَّالِمِينَ السُّفْلَى فَذَلِكَ الَّذِي أَصَابَ سَبِيلَ الْهُدَى وَقَامَ [أَقَامَ] عَلَى الطَّرِيقِ وَنَوَّرَ فِي قَلْبِهِ الْيَقِينُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
If one of you sees an evil being committed and is unable to forbid it with his hand or tongue and forbids it with his heart, while Allah knows the truth of his intention, then [it is as if] he has forbidden it
إِذَا رَأَى أَحَدُكُمُ الْمُنْكَرَ وَلَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ أَنْ يُنْكِرَهُ بِيَدِهِ وَلِسَانِهِ وَأَنْكَرَهُ بِقَلْبِهِ وَعَلِمَ اللَّهُ صِدْقَ ذَلِكَ مِنْهُ فَقَدْ أَنْكَرَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
If you must be competitors, then compete with each other in establishing the ordinances of Allah and in enjoining good
إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لَا مَحَالَةَ مُتَسَابِقِينَ فَتَسَابَقُوا إِلَى إِقَامَةِ حُدُودِ اللَّهِ وَالْأَمْرِ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
He (‘a) said regarding those who enjoin good and forbid evil: From among them there is one who disapproves of evil with his hand, tongue and heartHe is the one who has perfectly attained [all the] virtuous qualitiesAnd among them there is one who disapproves of evil with his tongue and heart but not with his handHe is the one who has attained only two virtuous qualities but lacks oneAnd among them there is the third one who disapproves of evil with his heart but not with his tongue and handHe is the one who lacks the two better qualities out of three and possesses only oneThen, among them there is he who does not disapprove of evil with his tongue, heart or handHe is just [like] a dead man among the livingAll the virtuous deeds, including fighting in the way of Allah, when compared to the act of enjoining good and forbidding evil, are just like drops in the oceanEnjoining good and forbidding evil does not bring death nearer, nor does it decrease sustenanceAnd better than all this is a just word in the presence of a tyrannical ruler
فَمِنْهُمُ الْمُنْكِرُ لِلْمُنْكَرِ بِيَدِهِ وَلِسَانِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ فَذَلِكَ الْمُسْتَكْمِلُ لِخِصَالِ الْخَيْرِ وَمِنْهُمُ الْمُنْكِرُ بِلِسَانِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ وَالتَّارِكُ بِيَدِهِ فَذَلِكَ الْمُتَمَسِّكُ بِخَصْلَتَيْنِ مِنْ خِصَالِ الْخَيْرِ وَمُضَيِّعُ خَصْلَةٍ وَمِنْهُمُ الْمُنْكِرُ بِقَلْبِهِ وَالتَّارِكُ بِلِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ فَذَلِكَ مُضَيِّعٌ أَشْرَفَ الْخَصْلَتَيْنِ مِنَ الثَّلَاثِ وَمُتَمَسِّكٌ بِوَاحِدَةٍ وَمِنْهُمْ تَارِكٌ لِإِنْكَارِ الْمُنْكَرِ بِقَلْبِهِ وَلِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ فَذَلِكَ مَيِّتُ الْأَحْيَاءِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Many a preventer [of evil] does not prevent himself [from it]
رُبَّ زَاجِرٍ غَيْرُ مُزْدَجِرٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Many a commander [towards good] does not follow [his own] commands
رُبَّ آمِرٍ غَيْرُ مُؤْتَمِرٍ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
It suffices as ignorance for a person to forbid people from that which he performs himself
كَفَى بِالْمَرْءِ جَهْلًا أَنْ يُنْكِرَ عَلَى النَّاسِ مَا يَأْتِي مِثْلَهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
It is enough of an error for a person to command others to do what he does not do [himself] and forbids them from that which he does not refrain from
كَفَى بِالْمَرْءِ غَوَايَةً أَنْ يَأْمُرَ النَّاسَ بِمَا لَا يَأْتَمِرُ بِهِ وَيَنْهَاهُمْ عَمَّا لَا يَنْتَهِي عَنْهُ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Be one who invites towards good while acting upon it, and don’t be one who enjoins it while being distant from it [himself], thereby committing a sin and earning the displeasure of his Lord
كُنْ آمِراً بِالْمَعْرُوفِ عَامِلًا بِهِ وَلَا تَكُنْ مِمَّنْ يَأْمُرُ بِهِ وَيَنْأَى عَنْهُ فَيَبُوءُ بِإِثْمِهِ وَيَتَعَرَّضُ مَقْتَ [لِمَقْتِ] رَبِّهِ
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
It is disgraceful for a man to dissuade the people from evil actions and forbid them from vices and sins, and then perform the same deeds when he is alone and not refrain from them
يَقْبُحُ عَلَى الرَّجُلِ أَنْ يُنْكِرُ عَلَى النَّاسِ مُنْكَرَاتٍ وَيَنْهَاهُمْ عَنْ رَذَائِلَ وَسَيِّئَاتٍ وَإِذَا خَلَا بِنَفْسِهِ ارْتَكَبَهَا وَلَا يَسْتَنْكِفُ مِنْ فِعْلِهَا
Source : Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech