Move closer to your soul by retracting from it (I mean that you should move towards your loftier and higher self which has been adapted from the light of your intellect and acts as a barrier between you and the inclinations of your base nature; and by retracting I mean you should retract from the soul that commands to evil and shakes hands with defiance)
Verily the soul that struggles to acquire the everlasting desires will surely achieve its goal and will be felicitous in its place of return [in the Hereafter]
Neither you overtake your death nor will you get the sustenance that is not [decreed] for you, so why are you making yourself miserable O wretched one?!
When your soul becomes obstinate with you then be obstinate with it and it will be humble to you, and deceive your soul with regards to yourself, it will yield to you
Demand from your soul [the performance of] that which it obligatory upon it and you will be safe from the demands of others, scrutinize it and you will have no need for the scrutiny of others
mankind, what has made you pleased with the destruction of your soul? Is there no cure from your ailment and no awakening from your slumber?! Do you not feel compassion for yourself as you have mercy on others?
Afflicted one, what has made you patiently bear your disease, and [what has] made you remain steadfast in the face of your hardships, and [what has] consoled you from weeping over yourself?
What is [the matter] with you that which, if you acquire it [the wealth of this world], its improvement [and seeking something better than it] preoccupies you from enjoying it, and if you enjoy it, it spoils it [the enjoyment] for you with the victory of death over you