Beware not to continuously scold them for this will incite them to commit sins and make it easy for them to bear the scolding [as they will become accustomed to it]
المصدر : غرر الحكم ودرر الكلم
إِذَا عَاتَبْتَ فَاسْتَبْقِ
When you reprimand then leave some room [to make amends and do not be excessive in reprimanding]
المصدر : غرر الحكم ودرر الكلم
إِذَا ذَمَمْتَ فَاقْتَصِرْ
When you [have to] censure [someone], make it short
المصدر : غرر الحكم ودرر الكلم
طَعْنُ اللِّسَانِ أَمَضُّ مِنْ طَعْنِ السِّنَانِ
The piercing of the tongue is more injurious than the piercing of the spear