Blessed be him who learns from the scholars that which he did not know and conveys to the ignorant what he learnt.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Blessed be him who detains his surplus wording for fear that God may punish him for it.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: Talking to him who does not understand you is as same as cooking food for the inhabitants of the graves.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: To carry rocks from summits of mountains is easier than talking to him who does not understand what you say.- Jesus

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: The influence of wisdom on the heart of the wise is as same as the influence of water on wastelands.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The keys of all the previous are supplications to God, submission (to Him), and deeds. How can a door be opened without its key?- Jesus

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: The right is the door to every goodness, and God’s mercy is the door to every right.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: God-fearing is the head of every word (or act) of wisdom.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: Sun is the light of everything, wisdom is the light of every heart.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: No rain without clouds. In the same manner, no deed intended for pleasing the Lord without a pure heart.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Fire and water cannot exist in the same bowl. In the same manner, understanding and blindness cannot exist in the same heart.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: Water extinguishes fire. In the same manner, clemency extinguishes rage.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Planting is worthless unless there is water and soil. In the same manner, faith is worthless unless there is knowledge and deed.- Jesus

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The religion is not perfect except by abstinence from the forbidden matters.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: The reward is desired, but it cannot be attained without working for it.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: God has not given you this world that it would engage you from the world to come.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: God has given you this world as a means by which you work for the life to come.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

O slaves of this world, truly I say to you: you hate people for their conjecture, but do not hate yourselves for conviction.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: You will not achieve your aims unless you leave that for which you crave.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: You will not attain your expectations unless you show steadfastness against matters that you detest.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

I command you to seal your mouths with silence so that they -your mouths- will not utter unlawful things.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you: The wise learns lessons from the ignorant while the ignorant learns (false) lessons from his whims.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Truly I say to you:This world is as same as a ranch in which the servants plant the sweet, the bitter, the evil, or the good.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Blessed be them who stay awake at night in devotion. They will inherit the permanent illumination.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

He who is fond of the worldly pleasures will not be saved from evildoings.- Jesus(PBUH)

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)