He who tries to achieve something through acting disobediently to God will miss what he expects and fall in what he fears.- Imam AL-HUSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The true stingy is that who refrains from greeting.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The hypocrite makes mistakes and apologizes everyday.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Beware of things for which you apologize. The true believer should not make mistakes and should not apologize.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

The true believer is that who betakes God as his defender and betakes his wording as his mirror.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

A sign of a scholar is his self-criticism of his sayings and his acquaintance with the various hypotheses.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Disputation with other than the disbelievers is a sign of ignorance.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Sitting with the intelligent is a sign of successfulness.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Do not say your need to anybody except three — a religious, a chivalrous, or a highborn individual.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

O son, beware of wronging him who does not have a supporter except God the Majestic.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

When God wills to lead a servant to destruction gradually, He bestows upon him with graces and does not favor him show gratitude~AL-HUSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Some people worshipped God as showing gratitude to Him. This is the worship of the genuine ones. It is the best worship.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Some people worshipped God for the purpose of avoiding His punishment. This is the worship of the slaves.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Some people worshipped God for the purpose of gaining His gifts. This is the worship of the merchants.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Stop backbiting, for it is the daily meal of the dogs of Hell.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

God, will not be cheated in matters regarding His Paradise - Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

Beware of being one of those who concern for people’s sins and feel safety from the punishment for their own sins.- Imam AL-HUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)

I command you to fear God because He has guaranteed for those who fear him to take them from what they detest to what they like- ALHUSSEIN

Source : The Masterpiece of mind(Tuhaf Aluqul)